Understanding How To Learn
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Understanding How To Learn

When I started college, I quickly realized that the rest of my class was far ahead of me. In addition to struggling to understand the material, I also had a hard time working in group settings and understanding how the lectures tied to the homework. After failing my first two semesters, a helpful counselor asked me to sign up for a study habits class. In the class, I learned how to apply myself in formal educational settings, which really helped. I think that everyone should take the time to understand how to learn, so that they can be successful in their classes.


Understanding How To Learn

  • 3 Reasons Why It Is Good For Your Child To Get Sick At Daycare

    29 February 2016

    One of the common fears that many parents have when they begin sending their child to daycare is that their child will get sick more than they would if they stayed at home. This is a valid concern. Because your child will be exposed to more people at daycare than they might otherwise, they have the potential to have various viruses and bacteria passed on to them. However, getting sick while at daycare may not be the worst thing for your child.

  • 5 Accounting Tools & Accessories To Make Classes Easier For Left-Handers

    25 August 2015

    Going to school for accounting is already filled with a number of challenges. For left-handed students, achieving a degree in accounting is filled with extra challenges do to the natural types of equipment available for students. Instead of being forced to learn accounting skills on your right hand, there are numerous types of equipment that caters directly to left-handed students. By adding the following five accessories and supplies, you can make every accounting class a lot easier for your left-handed lifestyle.

  • 4 Tips For Getting Your Kids Ready For Preschool

    22 June 2015

    Preschool is an important step in a young child's life, helping them to learn the social and academic skills they will need in kindergarten and beyond. Studies have shown that attending preschool helps children have greater academic success in the future, and even leads to lower crime rates. Going to preschool for the first time can also be a bit intimidating, however, for both children and parents. Luckily, there are things you can do to help ease the transition to preschool.

  • Will Moving After Getting A Learner's Permit Delay A Driver's License?

    14 May 2015

    If you and your family are relocating shortly after one of your children has gotten his or her learner's permit, you may be wondering what effect this move will have on your child's ability to qualify for a learner's permit -- and eventually a driver's license -- in your new state. Because state laws governing drivers education can vary widely, the decision whether your child should take drivers education now or wait until you've arrived in your new state can be a tough one.

  • Helpful Tips For Teens Transitioning From Public To Catholic Schools

    25 March 2015

    According to the U.S. Department of Education, nearly 62% of students who attended Catholic high schools earned at least a bachelor's degree within 8 years of graduating from high school. Only 31.1% of public school students obtain a bachelor's degree or higher, which means Catholic high school students aretwice as likely to earn a degree. If you're thinking of switching from a public school to a catholic school, it can be tough starting over in a new school, especially one that may be vastly different from what you are used to and where you have no friends.